Thursday, May 26, 2016

The maze

In the holidays  I  went with my family to have fun at Queenstown. Me and Dad  Went to the top off the mountain in the chair lift and me and Dad  ran off the  chair lift. Dad and I got off the chair lift and we went and put on our  helmets. we went to the  luge  and we went on the luge.   It was super fun because it was a Squiggly road  and went fast.  My favourite part off the holidays  was puzzle world. I went in the maze and I can’t get out, but Dad found a door to get out!  Phew!     

Tis is a photo of the maze we found on the internet.  I didn't take this photo


  1. cool I have been a maze did you get lost?

  2. Hi Kurt No I din't get lost in the maze.
    From Kirsty


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